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Better Business Bureau accredited organization, City Kids Daycare provides a safe, fun, and enriching environment where kids can learn and play. Offering a variety of activities for children to take part in, City Kids Daycare caters to children of professional parents in Columbus, Ohio. Working parents want to make the most of the time they have with their preschool-age children. However, many may not know just what activities they can do together. Fortunately, there are plenty of things preschoolers find enjoyable.

News & Announcements

Engaging Outdoor Activities for Toddlers

A good way to start is to spend time outdoors doing unstructured activities. Have a back yard? Take your child outside and rake the leaves. Let your toddler roll on the ground, jump, and even kick the leaves. Have a garden? Dig holes in it and let your toddler marvel at the discoveries he or she makes in the earth. After digging, plant something together. Caring for these plants can be your next project.

If you don’t have a backyard, consider a walk in the park. Let your child choose where to go. Toddlers like to stop, collect rocks, smell flowers, or throw twigs. Almost all toddlers love getting dirty, so share their interest.

If parks aren’t accessible, try creating chalk art on your driveway. Kids love making a mess, and rain will clear it for the next art session.


With two locations (Downtown and Hilliard) in Columbus, Ohio, City Kids Daycare provides upscale childcare facilities to serve the children of professional parents. An organization committed to helping children learn and play, City Kids Daycare supports Toys for Tots which runs the Toys for Tots Literacy Program.

News & Annoucements

Empowering Children Through the Toys for Tots Literacy Program

The Toys for Tots Literacy Program has a mission of empowering children from disadvantaged backgrounds with books to help them learn to read, compete academically, and end the cycle of poverty. The National Center for Children in Poverty estimates that over 16 million children in the United States live below the poverty line. According to the Handbook of Early Literacy Research, the ratio of age-appropriate books per child in low-income households is one in 300, and more than 33 percent of all children in fourth grade can barely read.

The Toys for Tots Literacy Program has delivered millions of books to children from disadvantaged backgrounds and the groups supporting them. The organization accepts donations in the form of money as well as new books. All monetary donations go toward buying new books for children.


City Kids Daycare provides a developmentally appropriate curriculum that encourages children’s natural curiosity. City Kids Daycare is committed to incorporating the arts as a key element of learning.

News & Annoucements

The Importance of Early Childhood Music Education

All young children have the innate ability to make and appreciate music. It is a natural part of the human experience to sing a tune or re-create a rhythm, and this is evident in the musical behaviors of the very young. Studies show that young infants can discriminate pitch, and that early music education plays a key role in building from this natural skill to develop a basic command of music.

Early music education helps children hear and decode musical experiences, a process called audiation, which is essential for singing, playing in tune, and moving to a beat. It also supports vocal development during preschool years, ensuring control over the voice in later stages.

Music enhances physical coordination and emotional intelligence, allowing children to interact meaningfully and understand music’s emotional effects. Listening to a variety of genres, especially classical, helps develop neural pathways for future academic success. Above all, music fosters a lifelong love of the art.


At City Kids Daycare, dedicated staff work to encourage each child’s growth, both individually and as part of the community. City Kids Daycare classrooms incorporate problem solving, cooperation, and other social skills into their child-centered curricula. The process of cooperation can challenge a preschool-age child’s developing social skills. Children at this age are still learning to integrate their sense of self with an innate desire to belong to a group, and this dichotomy can create intense feelings when children play together.

News & Annoucements

Fostering Cooperation and Individual Contribution in the Classroom

The classroom is an ideal place for children to work out their conflicting values of independence and connection. Many preschool games involve a group goal as well as individual tasks for each child to perform, and this duality helps children to understand the concept of individual contributions to the whole. In one such game, the teacher asks the children to make shapes on the floor with their bodies. The teacher may ask them to lie down, stand back to back, or hold hands, so that each child’s presence is necessary to form the final whole. This may correlate with an art activity in which each child draws part of a mural or crafts a clay building that becomes part of a whole neighborhood. These sorts of activities encourage children to appreciate and respect the contributions of others, while also valuing their own.

This learning takes place alongside the development of impulse control, listening, and respectful communication, all of which are necessary to create a cooperative atmosphere


City Kids Daycare believes in the healthy and confident growth of each child. By actively incorporating social and emotional learning into a child’s day, City Kids Daycare helps each child to know and value him- or herself.

News & Annoucements

Building Self-Esteem in Preschool Children

For preschoolers, self-esteem means believing they are valuable and capable members of the community. Feeling accepted by others helps children understand they have something positive to contribute, fostering confidence in their approach to the world.

Self-esteem develops through unconditional love and acceptance from parents and teachers. Misbehavior should be corrected without making the child feel attacked. Praise also plays a key role, but it must be specific. Instead of a generic “good job,” focus on the child’s effort, like solving a puzzle or helping a friend, which reinforces both the skill and persistence.


Since 1989 City Kids Daycare has provided families in downtown Columbus and Hilliard, Ohio, with preschool and daycare services that focus on parental involvement and accessibility, offering a number of extra-curricular events designed to bring families together and help them create new memories. Additionally, City Kids Daycare supports numerous charities, including the Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA).

MDA recently came out in support of the drug nusinersen (known by the brand name Spinraza), which received approval by the US Food and Drug Administration in January for the treatment of numerous conditions, including spinal muscular atrophy (SMA). Sold by Biogen and Ionis Pharmaceuticals, Spinraza is currently available to health care providers. The drug was specifically formulated to address specific genetic markers that control the production of the survival motor neuron (SMN) protein.

Spinraza has been shown to increase the body’s ability to produce SMN. MDA played a pivotal role in the development of the drug, investing approximately $750,000 into early stage research of the drug’s potential benefits. To date, MDA has spent more than $45 million to fund the fight against SMA.


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